Wellness Care Packages

Why are they beneficial for seniors?

What Are Wellness Care Packages?

Wellness Care Packages are planned services that enable individuals to increase and /or maintain their level of functioning in order to carry out their daily tasks. These services may include access to transportation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, dental care, vision care, language interpretation/translation, activation, fitness exercises, daily living devices, spiritual care, dietary/meal vouchers, and counselling. These Wellness Care Packages will be geared to the special requirements of seniors.

nurse having a friendly chat with senior man

Examples of Wellness Care Packages

2 Hours a Week of Physiotherapy for 3 Months

Dietician and/or a Hot Meal Once a Week for 6 Months

1 day a Week of Activation for 3 Months

Partial Payment of a Root Canal Dental Treatment

senior couple look at their finances

Why Are They Beneficial For Seniors?

Wellness Care Packages are necessary as seniors with declining capabilities and few financial resources are likely to postpone or refrain from initiating required wellness care programs due to cost and inability to access services. These two factors, cost of service and inability to access care, in addition to lack of knowledge of the availability of care are contributing factors to not using programs that may improve their quality of life.

Offering appropriate services may mitigate the effects of their condition and the potential for further decline.

You Can Help

We fundraise and promote projects that address the essential daily living concerns of seniors in need. Please come alongside us in giving a life-enriching gift.

delighted senior lady